UK Parliament Week is fast approaching, running from 13-19 November. UK Parliament Week is an annual festival which encourages citizens to learn about and engage with the work of the UK Parliament. This year UK Parliament Week will be bigger than ever before, with thousands of schools and youth organisations getting involved so don't miss out.
With this in mind I want to take this opportunity to encourage the constituents of Daventry to get in contact with me because I want your voice to be heard. As your Member of Parliament it is my job to represent my constituents, so let me know the concerns and issues affecting the people of Daventry, I want to hear from you.
If you don't have a particular issue or concern that you would like to raise and are just interested in Parliament, you can still get involved, come and give us a visit. I'm more than happy to arrange a tour for you so you can see the work we do here. If this sounds like something you might be interested in or to get in contact generally, don't hesitate to get in touch with me: [email protected].
Our democratic system is made even stronger when people get involved so whether its signing a petition or contributing to a committee inquiry, do get involved during UK Parliament Week.
If you want to lean more about UK Parliament week, visit: