Mears Ashby Water Supply disruptions update
I understand local residents of Mears Ashby have been experiencing disruptions to their water supply for some time. I made contact with Anglian Water - Love Every Drop to understand in greater detail the cause of these issues and see what actions Anglian Water are taking to remedy this for local residents.
I have now received a response and understand that the Mears Ashby Water Tower has been removed from service because of numerous coliform failures over the past 5 years. The last inspection that was carried out by Anglian Water Engineers, highlighted that it is unfortunately not viable to return the tower to service.
In the short term, this does mean that the village is susceptible to further outages if there is a power failure or loss of communication between sites. However, Anglian Water has advised steps have been taken to improve system resilience to mitigate outages, including installing a generator on-site at Earls Barton, where a technician can attend if there is a power failure for a sustained period.
In terms of a longer-term solution, Anglian Water has agreed that a new water main should be laid to connect the area to another main water supply. This work will be put forward for approval, and if approved, Anglian Water would expect the work to take place in the financial year 2023/24. Once approval and a delivery route have been confirmed specific details around timescales can be provided.
I will continue to follow this matter closely and provide further updates in due course.
And as always, if you have anything you would like to speak to me about, please get in touch at [email protected]