Thank you for contacting me about recognising the efforts of key workers.
I share your admiration for the frontline workers who are making immense sacrifices to help those affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Ongoing restrictions continue to present new challenges and our key workers are supporting people across the country.
Obviously, I fully support the Government’s announcement of a pay rise of 2.8% backdated to April 2020, in line with the recommendations of the independent pay review body for dentists and doctors. This pay rise is an important acknowledgment of the commitment and hard work of staff throughout this difficult time. Staff on the Agenda for Change (AfC) deal are already scheduled to receive pay rises, with the starting salary for a newly qualified nurse increased by more than 12% by the end of the AfC time period, with all nurses receiving pay increases of at least 6.5%; the Government has also introduced a nurses’ bursary which provides at least £5,000 of additional support to nursing students.
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