Working to cut subsidies for wind farms and limit onshore wind farms are one of Chris' main policy focuses. He has made numerous speeches in Parliament on the topic and organized a letter to the Prime Minister signed by over 100 MPs calling for drastic cuts in on-shore wind farm subsidies. Chris has also worked to call attention to the problems created by wind farms for local residents including noise, visual intrusion and their effect on wildlife. He is working with a number of local communities, helping them to fight both wind-farm proposals and giving local committees a greater say in their future.
To join the national grassroots campaign against on-shore wind farms and to find out more about what is being done, please click here: http://www.togetheragainstwind.com/
To find out more about how Chris is working to change the Government's policy on wind energy and to read recent publications concerning wind turbine noise, please click here.
To read the recent Hansard of the debate concerning the Energy Bill (HL) 2015-2016 please click here and to read Chris' individual contribution to that debate, please click here (begins at Column 1188).
If you would like more information about this or would like Chris to help you object to a local on-shore windfarm proposal, please e-mail him at [email protected]